This is a BRAND NEW OEM Carrier/Bryant/Payne Gas Furnace Inducer Motor Squirrel Cage/ Blower Wheel. It goes on the inducer/exhaust motor in the furnace. The Part # is LA11XA045 and the wheel is 4.5″ in diameter, 1 3/8″ tall, and a 5/16 Bore (as seen in the picture rotation is clockwise). Thanks for looking and good luck! Partial List of Carrier/Bryant Furnaces that use this Blower Motor. 373LAV024035AAJA71 373LAV024035GAJA71 373LAV024055AAJA71 373LAV024055GAJA71 373LAV036035AAJA71 373LAV036035GAJA71 373LAV036055AAJA71 373LAV036055GAJA71 373LAV036075AAJA71 373LAV036075GAJA71 373LAV048075AAJA71 373LAV048075GAJA71 373LAV048090AAJA71 373LAV048090GAJA71 373LAV060090AAJA71 373LAV060090GAJA71 373LAV060110AAJA71 373LAV060110GAJA71 376CAV024040ABJA71 376CAV024040GBJA71 376CAV024055ABJA71 376CAV024055GBJA71 376CAV036040ABJA71 376CAV036040GBJA71 376CAV036055ABJA71 376CAV036055GBJA71 376CAV036075ABJA71 376CAV036075GBJA71 376CAV048075ABJA71 376CAV048075GBJA71 376CAV048095ABJA71 376CAV048095GBJA71 376CAV060095ABJA71 376CAV060095GBJA71 376CAV060110ABJA71 376CAV060110GBJA71 376C024040A71 376C024055A71 376C036040A71 376C036055A71 376C036075A71 376C048075A71 376C048095A71 376C060095A71 376C060110A71 383KAV024035AAJA59 383KAV024035GAJA59 383KAV024055AAJA59 383KAV024055GAJA59 383KAV036035AAJA59 383KAV036035GAJA59 383KAV036055AAJA59 383KAV036055GAJA59 383KAV036075AAJA59 383KAV036075GAJA59 383KAV036090AAJA59 383KAV036090GAJA59 383KAV048075AAJA59 383KAV048075GAJA59 383KAV048090AAJA59 383KAV048090GAJA59 383KAV048110AAJA59 383KAV048110GAJA59 383KAV060090AAJA59 383KAV060090GAJA59 383KAV060110AAJA59 383KAV060110GAJA59 383KAV060125AAJA59 383KAV060125GAJA59 395CAV024040ABJA59 395CAV024040GBJA59 395CAV024055ABJA59 395CAV024055GBJA59 395CAV024055A59 395CAV024070A59 395CAV036040ABJA59 395CAV036040GBJA59 395CAV036040A59 395CAV036055ABJA59 395CAV036055GBJA59 395CAV036055A59 395CAV036075ABJA59 395CAV036075GBJA59 395CAV036075A59 395CAV036090ABJA59 395CAV036090GBJA59 395CAV036090A59 395CAV048075ABJA59 395CAV048075GBJA59 395CAV048075A59 395CAV048090ABJA59 395CAV048090GBJA59 395CAV048090A59 395CAV048110ABJA59 395CAV048110GBJA59 395CAV048110A59 395CAV060090ABJA59 395CAV060090GBJA59 395CAV060090A59 395CAV060110ABJA59 395CAV060110GBJA59 395CAV060110A59 395CAV060130ABJA59 395CAV060130GBJA59 395CAV060130A59 58DHC040C110EC68 58DHC040C110GC68 58DHC040100EC71 58DHC040100GC71 58DHC040110EC68 58DHC040110GC68 58DHC055C110EC68 58DHC055C110GC68 58DHC055100EC71 58DHC055100GC71 58DHC055110EC68 58DHC055110GC68 58DHC075C110GC68 58DHC075C110JC68 58DHC075100GC71 58DHC075100JC71 58DHC075110GC68 58DHC075110JC68 58DHC095C110JC68 58DHC095C110LC68 58DHC095100JC71 58DHC095100LC71 58DHC095110JC68 58DHC095110LC68 58DHC110C110LC68 58DHC110100LC71 58DHC110110LC68 58PAV035C100EC59 58PAV035C100GC59 58PAV035100EC59 58PAV035100GC59 58PAV055C100EC59 58PAV055C100GC59 58PAV055100EC59 58PAV055100GC59 58PAV075C100GC59 58PAV075C100JC59 58PAV075100GC59 58PAV075100JC59 58PAV090C100GC59 58PAV090C100JC59 58PAV090C100LC59 58PAV090100GC59 58PAV090100JC59 58PAV090100LC59 58PAV110C100LC59 58PAV110C110JC59 58PAV110100JC59 58PAV110100LC59 58PAV125C100LC59 58PAV125100LC59 58RAV035C101EC67 58RAV035C101GC67 58RAV035101EC67 58RAV035101GC67 58RAV055C101EC67 58RAV055C101GC67 58RAV055101EC67 58RAV055101GC67 58RAV075C101GC67 58RAV075C101JC67 58RAV075101GC67 58RAV075101JC67 58RAV090C101JC67 58RAV090C101LC67 58RAV090101JC67 58RAV090101LC67 58RAV110C101LC67 58RAV110101LC67 58SSC040C100EC59 58SSC040C100GC59 58SSC040C110EC63 58SSC040C110GC63 58SSC040100EC59 58SSC040100GC59 58SSC040110EC63 58SSC040110GC63 58SSC055C100EC59 58SSC055C100GC59 58SSC055C110EC63 58SSC055C110GC63 58SSC055100EC59 58SSC055100GC59 58SSC055110EC63 58SSC055110GC63 58SSC075C100GC59 58SSC075C100JC59 58SSC075C110GC63 58SSC075C110JC63 58SSC075100GC59 58SSC075100JC59 58SSC075110GC63 58SSC075110JC63 58SSC090C100GC59 58SSC090C100JC59 58SSC090C100LC59 58SSC090C110GC63 58SSC090C110JC63 58SSC090C110LC63 58SSC090100GC59 58SSC090100JC59 58SSC090100LC59 58SSC090110GC63 58SSC090110JC63 58SSC090110LC63 58SSC110C100JC59 58SSC110C100LC59 58SSC110C110JC63 58SSC110C110LC63 58SSC110100JC59 58SSC110100LC59 58SSC110110JC63 58SSC110110LC63 58SSC130C100LC59 58SSC130C110LC63 58SSC130100LC59 58SSC130110LC63. I could not be more pleased with my entire experience. From initial contact to the parts. I will defenitally order again. Thanks again and I will reply to this when I get the motor! We will attempt to process your address change, cancellation and order change as quickly as possible. However, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide this service. Please review your order for accuracy before submitting it. The time frame depends on your location and is determined by the Post Office. Tracking information is accessible once the item is delivered to the post office or picked up by UPS. For our International Buyers. These charges are not refundable for all correctly filled orders. Please review the entire listing carefully and make certain you are ordering the part you need. Please note that HVAC manufacturers frequently update their parts without warning. While we strive to update our listing pictures as quickly as possible, an outdated picture is not grounds for return. You must obtain a return authorization to return the part within this time frame. Parts are not eligible for return for any reason if we are not notified within the 14 day time frame. This is to insure that we can file a claim with the carrier when applicable. All items must be in a brand new (without signs of installation) and resaleable condition. All parts are inspected for signs of installation upon our receipt of them. The decision is made based on our assessment of the part and whether it can be resold as “used”. In no way shall North America HVAC be liable for any loss, damage, fire, explosion, injury, including any incidental or consequential damages, or death as a result of ordering and/or installing any parts from our website or from the results of any action taken due to reading information found on our website. The information is provided as a courtesy to our customers to enhance their understanding of their HVAC system, it is not to be taken for instructional purposes on how to repair their system. North America HVAC suggests having all parts, accessories and equipment installed by a qualified heating and air conditioning technician. If a customer attempts to install a part, accessory or equipment, he or she should have a thorough understanding of electricity, reading wiring diagrams and the work to be performed. In no way shall North America HVAC be liable for any loss, damage, injury, including any incidental or consequential damages, or death as a result of ordering and/or installing any parts from our website or from the results of any action due to reading information found on our website.