Carrier Bryant Furnace

Filed under carrier

OEM Carrier Bryant Payne Furnace Gas Valve EF32CW198 EF32CW198A

OEM Carrier Bryant Payne Furnace Gas Valve EF32CW198 EF32CW198A

OEM Carrier Bryant Payne Furnace Gas Valve EF32CW198 EF32CW198A
This is a BRAND NEW Universal Carrier/Bryant/Payne Furnace Gas Valve. The Carrier/Bryant/Payne Part # is EF660015, which is a kit that includes a Gas Valve, LP Kit, Instructions, and a couple brass adapters you may or may not need. This valve is designed to replace many older Carrier/Bryant/Payne Gas Valves, including all the valves mentioned below. The White Rodgers # is 36J24 510, which replaces many older White Rodgers valve #s. Replaces Old Part #s: EF32CW191, EF32CW191A, EF32CW192, EF32CW192A, EF32CW197, EF32CW197A, EF32CW198, EF32CW198A, EF32CW200, EF32CW200A, EF32CW201, EF32CW201A, EF32CW203, EF32CW203A, EF32CW204, EF32CW204A, EF32CW211, EF32CW211A, EF660015, 36J24 510. Partial List of Carrier/Bryant/Payne Furnaces this Valve Works In. PG8UAA024065AAJA 0049 345MAV036080AAKA 0053 58MCA100-16 PG8UAA024065ABJA 0049 58MSA06010116 0053 481BAV024050AFJA 0055 PG8UAA036045AAJA 0049 58MSA06011108 0053 345MAV036080ABKA 0053 481BAV024070AFJA 0055 PG8UAA036045ABJA 0049 481BAV036050AFJA 0055 PG8UAA036065AAJA 0049 58MSA06011112 0053 345MAV048060AAKA 0053 481BAV036070AFJA 0055 PG8UAA036065ABJA 0049 345MAV048060ABKA 0053 481BAV036095AFJA 0055 PG8UAA036111AAJA 0049 58MSA06011116 0053 481BAV048095AFJA 0055 PG8UAA036111ABJA 0049 58MSA08010112 0053 345MAV048080AAKA 0053 481BAV048115AFJA 0055 PG8UAA042091AAJA 0049 481BAV060115AFJA 0055 PG8UAA042091ABJA 0049 58MSA08010116 0053 481BAV060135AFJA 0055 PG8UAA048091AAJA 0049 GB1AAV024045AGJA 0049 58MSA08010120 0053 PG8UAA048091ABJA 0049 58MSA08011112 0053 GB1AAV036045AGJA 0049 PG8UAA048111AAJA 0049 GB1AAV036065AGJA 0049 PG8UAA048111ABJA 0049 58MSA08011116 0053 GB1AAV036111AGJA 0049 PG8UAA048135AAJA 0049 GB1AAV042091AGJA 0049 PG8UAA048135ABJA 0049 58MSA08011120 0053 GB1AAV048091AGJA 0049 345MAV048080ABKA 0053 GB1AAV048111AGJA 0049 PG8UAA060111AAJA 0049 58MSA10010116 0053 PG8UAA060135AAJA 0049 345MAV048100AAKA 0053 GB1AAV048135AGJA 0049 PG8UAA060135ABJA 0049 58MSA10010120 0053 GB1AAV060111AGJA 0049 PG8UAA060155AAJA 0049 58MSA10011116 0053 345MAV048100ABKA 0053 GB1AAV060135AGJA 0049 PG8UAA060155ABJA 0049 GB1AAV060155AGJA 0049 58MSA10011120 0053 345MAV060080AAKA 0053 GB3AAV024035AAJA 0055 PG8UAA066111ABJA 0049 GB3AAV024055AAJA 0055 PG8UAA024045ACJA 0049 58MSA12010120 0053 GB3AAV036035AAJA 0055 PG8UAA024065ACJA 0049 GB3AAV036055AAJA 0055 GB3AAV036075AAJA 0055 PG8UAA036045ACJA 0049 58MSA12011120 0053 GB3AAV048075AAJA 0055 PG8UAA036065ACJA 0049 58MSA04012108 0053 GB3AAV048090AAJA 0055 PG8UAA036111ACJA 0049 GB3AAV060090AAJA 0055 PG8UAA042091ACJA 0049 58MSA04012112 0053 GB3AAV060110AAJA 0055 PG8UAA048091ACJA 0049 331AAV036065ADJA 0052 58MSA06012108 0053 PG8UAA048111ACJA 0049 58MSA06012112 0053 PG8UAA048135ACJA 0049 PG8UAA060135ACJA 0049 58MSA06012116 0053 PG8UAA060155ACJA 0049 58MSA08012112 0053 PG8UAA066111ACJA 0049 58MSA08012116 0053 58MSA08012120 0053 345MAV060080ABKA 0053 58MSA10012116 0053 345MAV060100AAKA 0053 58MSA10012120 0053 345MAV060100ABKA 0053 58MSA12012120 0053 345MAV060120AAKA 0053 345MAV060120ABKA 0053 345MAV024040ACKA 0053 345MAV024060ACKA 0053 373LAV024050AGJA 0055 345MAV036040ACKA 0053 373LAV024070AGJA 0055 373LAV036050AGJA 0055 345MAV036060ACKA 0053 373LAV036070AGJA 0055 345MAV036080ACKA 0053 373LAV036070LGJA 0055 373LAV036095AGJA 0055 345MAV048060ACKA 0053 373LAV048095AGJA 0055 345MAV048080ACKA 0053 373LAV048115AGJA 0055 345MAV048100ACKA 0053 373LAV060115AGJA 0055 PG9MAA024040AAKA 0053 373LAV060115LGJA 0055 345MAV060080ACKA 0053 373LAV060135AGJA 0055 393AAV024070AAJA 0049 PG9MAA024040ABKA 0053 373LAV024050AHJA 0055 PG9MAA024060AAKA 0053 345MAV060100ACKA 0053 PG9MAA024060ABKA 0053 345MAV060120ACKA 0053 PG9MAA036040AAKA 0053 PG9MAA036040ABKA 0053 PG9MAA036060AAKA 0053 373LAV024070AHJA 0055 393AAV036070AAJA 0049 PG9MAA036060ABKA 0053 373LAV036050AHJA 0055 393AAV042091AAJA 0049 PG9MAA036080AAKA 0053 373LAV036070AHJA 0055 393AAV048111AAJA 0049 373LAV036095AHJA 0055 393AAV060135AAJA 0049 PG9MAA036080ABKA 0053 393AAV060155AAJA 0049 PG9MAA048060AAKA 0053 373LAV048095AHJA 0055 373LAV048115AHJA 0055 393AAV024070ABJA 0049 490AAV024040ADKA 0053 PG9MAA048060ABKA 0053 373LAV060115AHJA 0055 393AAV024070FBJA 0049 490AAV024060ADKA 0053 PG9MAA048080AAKA 0053 490AAV036040ADKA 0053 GB3AAV024050AGJA 0055 PG9MAA048080ABKA 0053 490AAV036060ADKA 0053 GB3AAV024070AGJA 0055 GB3AAV036050AGJA 0055 PG9MAA048100AAKA 0053 58WAV04514108 0049 490AAV036080ADKA 0053 GB3AAV036070AGJA 0055 PG9MAA048100ABKA 0053 490AAV048060ADKA 0053 GB3AAV036095AGJA 0055 58WAV04514112 0049 PG9MAA060080AAKA 0053 58WAV07014108 0049 373LAV060135AHJA 0055 393AAV036070ABJA 0049 490AAV048080ADKA 0053 58WAV07014112 0049 393AAV036070FBJA 0049 PG9MAA060080ABKA 0053 58WAV070L14112 0049 393AAV042091ABJA 0049 490AAV048100ADKA 0053 58WAV09114114 0049 490AAV060080ADKA 0053 PG9MAA060100AAKA 0053 58WAV09114116 0049 393AAV042091FBJA 0049 PG9MAA060100ABKA 0053 58WAV11114112 0049 393AAV048111ABJA 0049 490AAV060100ADKA 0053 393AAV048111FBJA 0049 PG9MAA060120AAKA 0053 58WAV11114116 0049 393AAV060135ABJA 0049 490AAV060120ADKA 0053 GB3AAV048095AGJA 0055 58WAV11114120 0049 GB3AAV048115AGJA 0055 58WAV111L14120 0049 393AAV060135FBJA 0049 490AAV060140ADKA 0053 GB3AAV060115AGJA 0055 58WAV13614116 0049 393AAV060155ABJA 0049 GB3AAV060135AGJA 0055 393AAV060155FBJA 0049 58WAV13614120 0049 58WAV15514120 0049 58WAV04515108 0049 58WAV04515112 0049 PG9MAA060120ABKA 0053 58WAV045F15108 0049 58WAV045F15112 0049 PG9MAA060140AAKA 0053 58WAV07015108 0049 PG9MAA060140ABKA 0053 58WAV070F15108 0049 376CAV024050AGJA 0055 PG9MAA024040ACKA 0053 58WAV070F15112 0049 376CAV024070AGJA 0055 58RAV05016108 0055 58WAV09115114 0049 PG9MAA024060ACKA 0053 58WAV09115116 0049 376CAV036050AGJA 0055 58RAV05016112 0055 376CAV036070AGJA 0055 PG9MAA036040ACKA 0053 58RAV07016108 0055 58WAV091F15114 0049 376CAV036070LGJA 0055 58RAV07016112 0055 58WAV091F15116 0049 376CAV036096AGJA 0055 PG9MAA036060ACKA 0053 58RAV070L16112 0055 58WAV11115112 0049 376CAV048096AGJA 0055 PG9MAA036080ACKA 0053 58RAV09516112 0055 58WAV11115116 0049 376CAV048115AGJA 0055 58RAV09516116 0055 58WAV11115120 0049 376CAV060115AGJA 0055 PG9MAA048060ACKA 0053 58RAV11516116 0055 58WAV111F15112 0049 376CAV060115LGJA 0055 PG9MAA048080ACKA 0053 58RAV11516120 0055 58WAV111F15116 0049 376CAV060135AGJA 0055 58RAV115L16120 0055 58WAV111F15120 0049 376CAV066115AGJA 0055 PG9MAA048100ACKA 0053 58RAV13516120 0055 58WAV13615116 0049 376CAV024050AHJA 0055 58RAV05017108 0055 376CAV024070AHJA 0055 PG9MAA060080ACKA 0053 58RAV05017112 0055 58WAV13615120 0049 376CAV036050AHJA 0055 PG9MAA060100ACKA 0053 58RAV07017108 0055 58WAV136F15116 0049 376CAV036070AHJA 0055 58RAV07017112 0055 58WAV136F15120 0049 PG9MAA060120ACKA 0053 58WAV155 15120 0049 376CAV036096AHJA 0055 58RAV09517112 0055 376CAV048096AHJA 0055 PG9MAA060140ACKA 0053 58RAV09517116 0055 58WAV155F15120 0049 376CAV048115AHJA 0055 58RAV11517116 0055 376CAV060115AHJA 0055 58RAV11517120 0055 376CAV060135AHJA 0055 58RAV13517120 0055 376CAV066115AHJA 0055 340MAV024040ADKA 0053 340MAV024060ADKA 0053 350MAV024040ADKA 0053 340MAV036040ADKA 0053 350MAV024060ADKA 0053 340MAV036060ADKA 0053 350MAV036040ADKA 0053 340MAV036080ADKA 0053 350MAV036060ADKA 0053 340MAV048060ADKA 0053 350MAV036060LDKA 0053 58YAV07010108 0049 340MAV048080ADKA 0053 350MAV036080ADKA 0053 58YAV07010112 0049 340MAV048100ADKA 0053 58YAV09110114 0049 350MAV048060ADKA 0053 58YAV11110116 0049 340MAV060080ADKA 0053 58YAV13610120 0049 340MAV060100ADKA 0053 350MAV048080ADKA 0053 350MAV048100ADKA 0053 58YAV15510120 0049 340MAV060120ADKA 0053 58YAV07011108 0049 350MAV060080ADKA 0053 58YAV07011112 0049 340MAV060140ADKA 0053 58YAV070F11108 0049 350MAV060100ADKA 0053 58YAV070F11112 0049 340MAV024040AEKA 0053 58PAV04516108 0049 58YAV09111114 0049 340MAV024060AEKA 0053 350MAV060120ADKA 0053 58PAV04516112 0049 58MCA04013108 0053 58PAV07016108 0049 58YAV091F11114 0049 340MAV036040AEKA 0053 350MAV060120LDKA 0053 58PAV07016112 0049 58YAV11111116 0049 383KAV024045AGJA 0049 58MCA04013112 0053 58PAV070L16112 0049 58YAV111F11116 0049 383KAV024070AGJA 0049 58MCA06013108 0053 58YAV13611120 0049 383KAV036045AGJA 0049 395CAV024045AGJA 0049 58PAV09016114 0049 58YAV136F11120 0049 383KAV036070AGJA 0049 395CAV024070AGJA 0049 58MCA06013112 0053 58PAV09016116 0049 383KAV036070LGJA 0049 395CAV036045AGJA 0049 58MCA06013116 0053 58PAV11116112 0049 58YAV15511120 0049 383KAV036111AGJA 0049 395CAV036070AGJA 0049 58PAV11116116 0049 58YAV155F11120 0049 383KAV042091AGJA 0049 395CAV036070LGJA 0049 58MCA08013112 0053 58PAV11116120 0049 383KAV048091AGJA 0049 58MCA08013116 0053 58PAV111L16120 0049 340MAV036060AEKA 0053 350MAV060140ADKA 0053 383KAV048111AGJA 0049 58MCA08013120 0053 58PAV13516116 0049 340MAV036060LEKA 0053 383KAV048135AGJA 0049 58PAV13516120 0049 350MAV024040AEKA 0053 383KAV060111AGJA 0049 58MCA10013116 0053 58PAV15516120 0049 340MAV036080AEKA 0053 383KAV060111LGJA 0049 350MAV024040FEKA 0053 58MCA10013120 0053 58PAV04517108 0049 340MAV048060AEKA 0053 350MAV024060AEKA 0053 383KAV060135AGJA 0049 58PAV04517112 0049 383KAV060155AGJA 0049 58MCA12013120 0053 58PAV07017108 0049 340MAV048080AEKA 0053 350MAV024060FEKA 0053 383KAV024045AHJA 0049 395CAV036111AGJA 0049 58MCA14013120 0053 58PAV07017112 0049 383KAV024070AHJA 0049 395CAV042091AGJA 0049 58MXA04013108 0053 58PAV09017114 0049 340MAV048100AEKA 0053 350MAV036040AEKA 0053 383KAV036045AHJA 0049 395CAV048091AGJA 0049 58MCA04014108 0053 58PAV09017116 0049 395CAV048111AGJA 0049 58MXA04013112 0053 58PAV11117112 0049 340MAV060080AEKA 0053 350MAV036040FEKA 0053 383KAV036070AHJA 0049 58MCA04014112 0053 340MAV060100AEKA 0053 350MAV036060AEKA 0053 383KAV036111AHJA 0049 395CAV048135AGJA 0049 58MCA06014108 0053 58MXA06013108 0053 58PAV11117116 0049 383KAV042091AHJA 0049 395CAV060111AGJA 0049 58MXA06013112 0053 58PAV11117120 0049 340MAV060120AEKA 0053 350MAV036060FEKA 0053 383KAV048091AHJA 0049 395CAV060111LGJA 0049 58MCA06014112 0053 58PAV13517116 0049 383KAV048111AHJA 0049 395CAV060135AGJA 0049 58MXA06013116 0053 58PAV13517120 0049 340MAV060140AEKA 0053 350MAV036080AEKA 0053 383KAV048135AHJA 0049 58MCA06014116 0053 350MAV036080FEKA 0053 395CAV060155AGJA 0049 58MXA060L13112 0053 58PAV15517120 0049 340MAV024040AFKA 0053 383KAV060111AHJA 0049 395CAV024045AHJA 0049 58MCA060L14112 0053 350MAV048060AEKA 0053 383KAV060135AHJA 0049 395CAV024045FHJA 0049 58MXA08013112 0053 340MAV024060AFKA 0053 383KAV060155AHJA 0049 395CAV024070AHJA 0049 58MCA08014112 0053 58MXA08013116 0053 340MAV036040AFKA 0053 350MAV048060FEKA 0053 395CAV024070FHJA 0049 58MCA08014116 0053 58MXA08013120 0053 340MAV036060AFKA 0053 350MAV048080AEKA 0053 58MCA08014120 0053 58MXA10013116 0053 340MAV036080AFKA 0053 350MAV048080FEKA 0053 58MCA10014116 0053 58MXA10013120 0053 340MAV048060AFKA 0053 350MAV048100AEKA 0053 58MCA10014120 0053 340MAV048080AFKA 0053 58MXA12013120 0053 350MAV048100FEKA 0053 58MCA12014120 0053 340MAV048100AFKA 0053 350MAV060080AEKA 0053 58MXA120L13120 0053 395CAV036045AHJA 0049 480BAV024045AFJA 0049 PG8DAA024050AAJA 0055 58MCA14014120 0053 58MXA14013120 0053 350MAV060080FEKA 0053 395CAV036045FHJA 0049 480BAV024065AFJA 0049 PG8DAA024050ABJA 0055 395CAV036070AHJA 0049 480BAV036045AFJA 0049 PG8DAA024070AAJA 0055 58MCA04015108 0053 58MXA04014108 0053 350MAV060100AEKA 0053 395CAV036070FHJA 0049 480BAV036065AFJA 0049 PG8DAA024070ABJA 0055 395CAV036111AHJA 0049 480BAV036111AFJA 0049 PG8DAA036050AAJA 0055 58MCA04015112 0053 58MXA04014112 0053 350MAV060100FEKA 0053 395CAV036111FHJA 0049 480BAV042091AFJA 0049 PG8DAA036050ABJA 0055 58MCA06015108 0053 480BAV048091AFJA 0049 PG8DAA036070AAJA 0055 58MXA040F14108 0053 350MAV060120AEKA 0053 395CAV042091AHJA 0049 480BAV048111AFJA 0049 PG8DAA036070ABJA 0055 58MCA06015112 0053 480BAV048135AFJA 0049 PG8DAA036095AAJA 0055 58MXA040F14112 0053 340MAV060080AFKA 0053 PG8DAA036095ABJA 0055 58MCA06015116 0053 58MXA06014108 0053 480BAV060111AFJA 0049 PG8DAA048095AAJA 0055 340MAV060100AFKA 0053 480BAV060135AFJA 0049 58MCA08015112 0053 58MXA06014112 0053 480BAV060155AFJA 0049 PG8DAA048095ABJA 0055 340MAV060120AFKA 0053 PG8DAA048115AAJA 0055 58MCA08015116 0053 58MXA06014116 0053 PG8DAA048115ABJA 0055 58MCA08015120 0053 340MAV060140AFKA 0053 PG8DAA060115AAJA 0055 58MXA060F14108 0053 PG8DAA060115ABJA 0055 58MCA10015116 0053 58MXA060F14112 0053 350MAV060120FEKA 0053 PG8DAA060135AAJA 0055 58ZAV050 14108 0055 350MAV060140AEKA 0053 PG8DAA060135ABJA 0055 58MCA10015120 0053 58MXA060F14116 0053 58ZAV05014112 0055 PG8DAA024050ACJA 0055 58ZAV07014108 0055 350MAV060140FEKA 0053 PG8DAA024070ACJA 0055 58MCA12015120 0053 58MXA08014112 0053 58ZAV07014112 0055 PG8DAA036050ACJA 0055 58MCA14015120 0053 58MXA08014116 0053 58ZAV070L14112 0055 PG8DAA036070ACJA 0055 58ZAV09614112 0055 395CAV042091FHJA 0049 PG8DAA036095ACJA 0055 58MXA08014120 0053 58ZAV09614116 0055 395CAV048091AHJA 0049 PG8DAA048095ACJA 0055 58ZAV11514116 0055 395CAV048091FHJA 0049 PG8DAA048115ACJA 0055 58MXA080F14112 0053 58ZAV11514120 0055 395CAV048111AHJA 0049 PG8DAA060115ACJA 0055 58MXA080F14116 0053 58ZAV11514122 0055 PG8DAA060135ACJA 0055 58ZAV115L14120 0055 395CAV048111FHJA 0049 58MXA080F14120 0053 58ZAV13514120 0055 395CAV048135AHJA 0049 395CAV048135FHJA 0049 58MXA10014116 0053 58ZAV05015108 0055 58ZAV05015112 0055 395CAV060111AHJA 0049 58MXA10014120 0053 58ZAV07015108 0055 395CAV060111FHJA 0049 58ZAV07015112 0055 395CAV060135AHJA 0049 58MXA100F14116 0053 58ZAV09615112 0055 58ZAV09615116 0055 395CAV060135FHJA 0049 58MXA100F14120 0053 58ZAV11515116 0055 395CAV060155AHJA 0049 58ZAV11515120 0055 395CAV060155FHJA 0049 58MXA12014120 0053 58ZAV11515122 0055 58MXA120F14120 0053 58ZAV13515120 0055 345MAV024040AAKA 0053 58MXA14014120 0053 58MXA140F14120 0053 345MAV024040ABKA 0053 58MSA04010108 0053 345MAV024060AAKA 0053 345MAV024060ABKA 0053 58MSA04010112 0053 58MSA04011108 0053 345MAV036040AAKA 0053 345MAV036040ABKA 0053 58MSA04011112 0053 345MAV036060AAKA 0053 PG8UAA024045AAJA 0049 58MSA06010108 0053 PG8UAA024045ABJA 0049 58MSA06010112 0053 345MAV036060ABKA 0053; 36E24-203;36E24203. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Other Heating, Cooling & Air”. The seller is “bluestang5″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Brand: Fits ClimaTek
  • MPN: 637

OEM Carrier Bryant Payne Furnace Gas Valve EF32CW198 EF32CW198A

OEM Carrier Bryant Payne WR Furnace Gas Valve PEF33CW201 EF33CW201 36G54-508

OEM Carrier Bryant Payne WR Furnace Gas Valve PEF33CW201 EF33CW201 36G54-508

OEM Carrier Bryant Payne WR Furnace Gas Valve PEF33CW201 EF33CW201 36G54-508
This is a BRAND NEW OEM Carrier/Bryant/Payne Furnace Gas Valve. The Carrier/Bryant/Payne Part # is EF33CW201 / PEF33CW201 (also White Rodgers # is 36G54-508). Thanks for looking and good luck! Partial List of Carrier/Bryant/Payne Furnaces this Valve Works In. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Other Heating, Cooling & Air”. The seller is “bluestang5″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Brand: Fits Carrier Bryant Payne White Rodgers
  • MPN: Fits PEF33CW201 EF33CW201 36G54-508

OEM Carrier Bryant Payne WR Furnace Gas Valve PEF33CW201 EF33CW201 36G54-508

Carrier Bryant Payne Furnace Inducer Control Board P771-1026 HH84AA008 HH84AA019

Carrier Bryant Payne Furnace Inducer Control Board P771-1026 HH84AA008 HH84AA019

Carrier Bryant Payne Furnace Inducer Control Board P771-1026 HH84AA008 HH84AA019
This is a Brand New OEM Carrier/Bryant/Payne Furance Draft Inducer Control Circuit Board. The Carrier/Bryant/Payne part # is 313680-751 (also HH84AA019B & CEAS310102-01). Thanks for looking and good luck! Partial List of Carrier / Bryant Units that use this Board. 375A036040A70 375A036060A70 375A048080A70 375A048100A70 375A060100A70 375A060120A70 376A036035A70 376A036055A70 376A048070A70 376A048090A70 376A060090A70 376A060110A70 376B024040A74 376B024040B74 376B024055A74 376B024055B74 376B036055A74 376B036055B74 376B036075A74 376B036075B74 376B048075A74 376B048075B74 376B048095A74 376B048095B74 376B060095A74 376B060095B74 376B060115A74 376B060115B74 395A024035A64 395A024055A64 395A036035A64 395A036040A63 395A036055A64 395A036060A63 395A036070A64 395A036080A63 395A048070A64 395A048080A63 395A048090A64 395A048100A63 395A060090A64 395A060100A63 395A060110A64 395A060120A63 395B024040A62 395B024040B62 395B024060A62 395B024060B62 395B036040A62 395B036040B62 395B036060A62 395B036060B62 395B036080A62 395B036080B62 395B036095A62 395B036095B62 395B048080A62 395B048080B62 395B048095A62 395B048095B62 395B048120A62 395B048120B62 395B060095A62 395B060095B62 395B060120A62 395B060120B62 395B060130A62 395B060130B62 397HAW036040A61A 397HAW036040B61A 397HAW036040C61A, 63 397HAW036060A61A 397HAW036060B61A 397HAW036060C61A, 63 397HAW036080A61A 397HAW036080B61A 397HAW036080C61A, 63 397HAW036100A61A 397HAW036100B61A 397HAW036100C61A, 63 397HAW048080A61A 397HAW048080B61A 397HAW048080C61A, 63 397HAW048100A61A 397HAW048100B61A 397HAW048100C61A, 63 397HAW048120A61A 397HAW048120B61A 397HAW048120C61A, 63 397HAW060100A61A 397HAW060100B61A 397HAW060100C61A, 63 397HAW060120A61A 397HAW060120B61A 397HAW060120C61A, 63 397HAW060140A61A 397HAW060140B61A 397HAW060140C61A, 63 398AAW030040C23 398AAW030040F23 398AAW030040G19 398AAW036040D19B 398AAW036040E87 398AAW036040F87 398AAW036040G19 398AAW036060B23 398AAW036060C23 398AAW036060D19B 398AAW036060E87 398AAW036060F87 398AAW036060G19 398AAW036080B23 398AAW036080C23 398AAW036080D19B 398AAW036080E87 398AAW036080F87 398AAW036080G19 398AAW048080E87 398AAW048080F87 398AAW048080G19 398AAW048100B23 398AAW048100C23 398AAW048100D19B 398AAW048100E87 398AAW048100F87 398AAW048100G19 398AAW060100E87 398AAW060100F87 398AAW060100G19 398AAW060120D19B 398AAW060120E87 398AAW060120F87 398AAW060120G19 398AAZ030040AAKA19 398AAZ036040AAKA19 398AAZ036040GAKA19 398AAZ036060AAKA19 398AAZ036060GAKA19 398AAZ036080AAKA19 398AAZ036080GAKA19 398AAZ048080AAKA19 398AAZ048080GAKA19 398AAZ048100AAKA19 398AAZ048100GAKA19 398AAZ060100AAKA19 398AAZ060100GAKA19 398AAZ060120AAKA19 398AAZ060120GAKA19 399AAW036040A73 399AAW036040B62 399AAW036060A73 399AAW036060B62 399AAW048080A73 399AAW048080B62 399AAW060100A73 399AAW060100B62 399AAZ036040AAKA62 399AAZ036060AAKA62 399AAZ048080AAKA62 399AAZ060100AAKA62 58DHB040111BC78 58DHB055111BC78 58DHB055111CC78 58DHB075111BC78 58DHB075111CC78 58DHB095111CC78 58DHB095111DC78 58DHB115111CC78 58DH035101BC56 58DH035101CC56 58DH055101CC56 58DH070101CC56 58DH090101CC56 58DH090101DC56 58DH110101CC56 58DXA040100GG62 58DXA060100GG62 58DXA080100JG62 58DXA100100LG62 58DX040100CC62 58DX040110GG62 58DX060100CC62 58DX060110GG62 58DX080100CC62 58DX080110JG62 58DX100100DC62 58DX100110LG62 58SSB040121BC68 58SSB040121CC68 58SSB040131BC68 58SSB040131CC68 58SSB060121BC68 58SSB060121CC68 58SSB060131BC68 58SSB060131CC68 58SSB080121BC68 58SSB080121CC68 58SSB080131BC68 58SSB080131CC68 58SSB095121BC68 58SSB095121CC68 58SSB095121DC68 58SSB095131BC68 58SSB095131CC68 58SSB095131DC68 58SSB120121BC68 58SSB120121CC68 58SSB120131BC68 58SSB120131CC68 58SSB130121BC68 58SSB130131BC68 58SSL060100BC68 58SSL060100CC68 58SSL080100BC68 58SSL080100CC68 58SSL095100BC68 58SSL095100CC68 58SSL095100DC68 58SSL120100BC68 58SSL120100CC68 58SS040111CC61 58SS040121CC63 58SS060111CC61 58SS060121BC63 58SS080111BC61 58SS080111CC61 58SS080121BC63 58SS080121CC63 58SS100111BC61 58SS100111CC61 58SS100111DC61 58SS100121BC63 58SS100121CC63 58SS100121DC63 58SS120111BC61 58SS120111CC61 58SS120121BC63 58SS120121CC63 58SS140111BC61 58SS140121BC63 58SXA040C100GG19 58SXA040100FG19 58SXA040100GG19 58SXA060C100GG19 58SXA060100GG19 58SXA080C100GG19 58SXA080C100JG19 58SXA080100GG19 58SXA080100JG19 58SXA100C100JG19 58SXA100C100LG19 58SXA100100JG19 58SXA100100LG19 58SXA120C100LG19 58SXA120100LG19 58SX040C190GG19 58SX040150CC19 58SX040160CC19 58SX040170BC19 58SX040170CC19 58SX040180BC19 58SX040180CC19 58SX040190FG19 58SX040190GG19 58SX060C190GG19 58SX060150CC19 58SX060160CC19 58SX060170CC19 58SX060180CC19 58SX060190GG19 58SX080C190GG19 58SX080C190JG19 58SX080150BC19 58SX080150CC19 58SX080160BC19 58SX080160CC19 58SX080170BC19 58SX080170CC19 58SX080180BC19 58SX080180CC19 58SX080190GG19 58SX080190JG19 58SX100C190JG19 58SX100C190LG19 58SX100150CC19 58SX100150DC19 58SX100160CC19 58SX100160DC19 58SX100170CC19 58SX100170DC19 58SX100180CC19 58SX100180DC19 58SX100190JG19 58SX100190LG19 58SX120C190LG19 58SX120150CC19 58SX120160CC19 58SX120170CC19 58SX120180CC19 58SX120190LG19. I could not be more pleased with my entire experience. From initial contact to the parts. I will defenitally order again. Thanks again and I will reply to this when I get the motor! We will attempt to process your address change, cancellation and order change as quickly as possible. However, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide this service. Please review your order for accuracy before submitting it. The time frame depends on your location and is determined by the Post Office. Tracking information is accessible once the item is delivered to the post office or picked up by UPS. For our International Buyers. These charges are not refundable for all correctly filled orders. Please review the entire listing carefully and make certain you are ordering the part you need. Please note that HVAC manufacturers frequently update their parts without warning. While we strive to update our listing pictures as quickly as possible, an outdated picture is not grounds for return. You must obtain a return authorization to return the part within this time frame. Parts are not eligible for return for any reason if we are not notified within the 14 day time frame. This is to insure that we can file a claim with the carrier when applicable. All items must be in a brand new (without signs of installation) and resaleable condition. All parts are inspected for signs of installation upon our receipt of them. The decision is made based on our assessment of the part and whether it can be resold as “used”. In no way shall North America HVAC be liable for any loss, damage, fire, explosion, injury, including any incidental or consequential damages, or death as a result of ordering and/or installing any parts from our website or from the results of any action taken due to reading information found on our website. The information is provided as a courtesy to our customers to enhance their understanding of their HVAC system, it is not to be taken for instructional purposes on how to repair their system. North America HVAC suggests having all parts, accessories and equipment installed by a qualified heating and air conditioning technician. If a customer attempts to install a part, accessory or equipment, he or she should have a thorough understanding of electricity, reading wiring diagrams and the work to be performed. In no way shall North America HVAC be liable for any loss, damage, injury, including any incidental or consequential damages, or death as a result of ordering and/or installing any parts from our website or from the results of any action due to reading information found on our website. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Other Heating, Cooling & Air”. The seller is “bluestang5″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Brand: Fits GE
  • MPN: 2060

Carrier Bryant Payne Furnace Inducer Control Board P771-1026 HH84AA008 HH84AA019

Carrier Bryant HK42FZ0224507 CEPL 130456-01 Furnace Control Board

Carrier Bryant HK42FZ0224507 CEPL 130456-01 Furnace Control Board

Carrier Bryant HK42FZ0224507 CEPL 130456-01 Furnace Control Board
REMOVED FROM A WOREKING UNIT. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Central Heating & Cooling Systems\Central Furnaces”. The seller is “woodie25″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Model: HK42FZ0224507
  • Type: Central Furnace
  • Brand: Carrier
  • Heating System: Furnace

Carrier Bryant HK42FZ0224507 CEPL 130456-01 Furnace Control Board

Carrier Bryant HK42EB001 Furnace Control Circuit Board SCD-1196 VB-1298B

Carrier Bryant HK42EB001 Furnace Control Circuit Board SCD-1196 VB-1298B
Carrier Bryant HK42EB001 Furnace Control Circuit Board SCD-1196 VB-1298B
Carrier Bryant HK42EB001 Furnace Control Circuit Board SCD-1196 VB-1298B
Carrier Bryant HK42EB001 Furnace Control Circuit Board SCD-1196 VB-1298B

Carrier Bryant HK42EB001 Furnace Control Circuit Board SCD-1196 VB-1298B
Carrier Bryant HK42EB001 Furnace Control Circuit Board SCD-1196 VB-1298B. Used in Excellent Working Condition. EChecks must clear before item(s) are released. Tracking information will be available upon request. We do our best to ensure the accuracy of every listings. Unfortunately, do to our high volume, mistakes sometimes occur. Get Supersized Images & Free Image Hosting. Create your brand with Auctiva’s. Track Page Views With. This item is in the category “Business & Industrial\HVAC & Refrigeration\HVAC & Refrigeration: Parts & Accessories\HVAC & Refrigeration: Controls & Circuit Boards”. The seller is “netsellerzoc” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Wallis and Futuna, Gambia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Poland, Oman, Suriname, United Arab Emirates, Kenya, Argentina, Guinea-Bissau, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Bhutan, Senegal, Togo, Ireland, Qatar, Burundi, Netherlands, Iraq, Slovakia, Slovenia, Equatorial Guinea, Thailand, Aruba, Sweden, Iceland, Macedonia, Belgium, Israel, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Benin, Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Italy, Swaziland, Tanzania, Pakistan, Burkina Faso, Panama, Singapore, Kyrgyzstan, Switzerland, Djibouti, Chile, China, Mali, Botswana, Republic of Croatia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Portugal, Malta, Tajikistan, Vietnam, Cayman Islands, Paraguay, Saint Helena, Cyprus, Seychelles, Rwanda, Bangladesh, Australia, Austria, Sri Lanka, Gabon Republic, Zimbabwe, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Norway, Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Kiribati, Turkmenistan, Grenada, Greece, Haiti, Greenland, Yemen, Afghanistan, Montenegro, Mongolia, Nepal, Bahamas, Bahrain, United Kingdom, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Angola, Western Samoa, France, Mozambique, Namibia, Peru, Denmark, Guatemala, Solomon Islands, Vatican City State, Sierra Leone, Nauru, Anguilla, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Cameroon, Guyana, Azerbaijan Republic, Macau, Georgia, Tonga, San Marino, Eritrea, Saint Kitts-Nevis, Morocco, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Mauritania, Belize, Philippines, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Western Sahara, Colombia, Spain, Estonia, Bermuda, Montserrat, Zambia, South Korea, Vanuatu, Ecuador, Albania, Ethiopia, Monaco, Niger, Laos, Ghana, Cape Verde Islands, Moldova, Madagascar, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Lebanon, Liberia, Bolivia, Maldives, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Central African Republic, Lesotho, Nigeria, Mauritius, Saint Lucia, Jordan, Guinea, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Turks and Caicos Islands, Chad, Andorra, Romania, Costa Rica, India, Mexico, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Lithuania, Trinidad and Tobago, Malawi, Nicaragua, Finland, Tunisia, Luxembourg, Uganda, Brazil, Turkey, Tuvalu, Germany, Egypt, Latvia, Jamaica, Niue, South Africa, Brunei Darussalam, Honduras.
  • Brand: Carrier

Carrier Bryant HK42EB001 Furnace Control Circuit Board SCD-1196 VB-1298B

Carrier Bryant 1/2 Hp ECM Furnace Blower Motor & Module # HD44RE122

Carrier Bryant 1/2 Hp ECM Furnace Blower Motor & Module # HD44RE122
Carrier Bryant 1/2 Hp ECM Furnace Blower Motor & Module # HD44RE122
Carrier Bryant 1/2 Hp ECM Furnace Blower Motor & Module # HD44RE122
Carrier Bryant 1/2 Hp ECM Furnace Blower Motor & Module # HD44RE122
Carrier Bryant 1/2 Hp ECM Furnace Blower Motor & Module # HD44RE122
Carrier Bryant 1/2 Hp ECM Furnace Blower Motor & Module # HD44RE122
Carrier Bryant 1/2 Hp ECM Furnace Blower Motor & Module # HD44RE122
Carrier Bryant 1/2 Hp ECM Furnace Blower Motor & Module # HD44RE122
Carrier Bryant 1/2 Hp ECM Furnace Blower Motor & Module # HD44RE122

Carrier Bryant 1/2 Hp ECM Furnace Blower Motor & Module # HD44RE122
Carrier Bryant 1/2 Hp 120 / 240 Volt ECM Furnace Blower Motor & Module # HD44RE122. Tested and work great. Check out my other items. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Central Heating & Cooling Systems\Central Air Conditioners”. The seller is “riverratt1997″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • MPN: HC37TE113
  • Brand: Carrier

Carrier Bryant 1/2 Hp ECM Furnace Blower Motor & Module # HD44RE122

Carrier Bryant Payne Furnace Exhuast Inducer Motor HC680068 HC30GL460 HC30GB462

Carrier Bryant Payne Furnace Exhuast Inducer Motor HC680068 HC30GL460 HC30GB462

Carrier Bryant Payne Furnace Exhuast Inducer Motor HC680068 HC30GL460 HC30GB462
This is a BRAND NEW Carrier/Bryant/Payne Draft Inducer Motor / Exhaust Motor. The Carrier/Bryant/Payne part # is HC30GL460 also supercedes the old part #s listed below! Smith # is Jf1H143N’. Motor operates on single phase 460/400 volts and comes with capacitor, as pictured. RPM is 3450/2875 and the shaft is 5/16 in diameter and 2.9 long. Thanks for looking and good luck! Replaces Old Part #s: HC680068, HC30GB462. Partial List of Carrier/Bryant/Payne Furnaces this Inducer Works In. 48HCDA046A341 48HCDA056A341 48HCDA066A341 48HCDA076A341 48HCDB046A341 48HCDB056A341 48HCDB066A341 48HCDB076A341 48HCDD086A341 48HCDD096A341 48HCDD126A341 48HCDE086A341 48HCDE096A341 48HCDE126A341 48HCEA046A341 48HCEA056A341 48HCEA066A341 48HCEA076A341 48HCEB046A341 48HCEB056A341 48HCEB066A341 48HCEB076A341 48HCED086A341 48HCED096A341 48HCED126A341 48HCEE086A341 48HCEE096A341 48HCEE126A341 48HCFA056A341 48HCFA066A341 48HCFA076A341 48HCFB056A341 48HCFB066A341 48HCFB076A341 48HCFD086A341 48HCFD096A341 48HCFD126A341 48HCFE086A341 48HCFE096A341 48HCFE126A341 48HCLA046A341 48HCLA056A341 48HCLA066A341 48HCLB046A341 48HCLB056A341 48HCLB066A341 48HCMA046A341 48HCMA056A341 48HCMA066A341 48HCMB046A341 48HCMB056A341 48HCMB066A341 48HCNA056A341 48HCNA066A341 48HCNB056A341 48HCNB066A341 48HCRA046A341 48HCRA056A341 48HCRA066A341 48HCRA076A341 48HCRB046A341 48HCRB056A341 48HCRB066A341 48HCRB076A341 48HCRD086A341 48HCRD096A341 48HCRD126A341 48HCRE086A341 48HCRE096A341 48HCRE126A341 48HCSA046A341 48HCSA056A341 48HCSA066A341 48HCSA076A341 48HCSB046A341 48HCSB056A341 48HCSB066A341 48HCSB076A341 48HCSD086A341 48HCSD096A341 48HCSD126A341 48HCSE086A341 48HCSE096A341 48HCSE126A341 48HCTA056A341 48HCTA066A341 48HCTA076A341 48HCTB056A341 48HCTB066A341 48HCTB076A341 48HCTD086A341 48HCTD096A341 48HCTD126A341 48HCTE086A341 48HCTE096A341 48HCTE126A341 48TCDB046A341 48TCDB056A341 48TCDB066A341 48TCDB076A341 48TCDD086A341 48TCDD096A341 48TCDD126A341 48TCDD146A341 48TCDE086A341 48TCDE096A341 48TCDE126A341 48TCDE146A341 48TCEB046A341 48TCEB056A341 48TCEB066A341 48TCEB076A341 48TCED086A341 48TCED096A341 48TCED126A341 48TCED146A341 48TCEE086A341 48TCEE096A341 48TCEE126A341 48TCEE146A341 48TCFB056A341 48TCFB066A341 48TCFB076A341 48TCFD086A341 48TCFD096A341 48TCFD126A341 48TCFD146A341 48TCFE086A341 48TCFE096A341 48TCFE126A341 48TCFE146A341 48TCLB046A341 48TCLB056A341 48TCLB066A341 48TCMB046A341 48TCMB056A341 48TCMB066A341 48TCNB056A341 48TCNB066A341 48TCRB046A341 48TCRB056A341 48TCRB066A341 48TCRB076A341 48TCRD086A341 48TCRD096A341 48TCRD126A341 48TCRD146A341 48TCRE086A341 48TCRE096A341 48TCRE126A341 48TCRE146A341 48TCSB046A341 48TCSB056A341 48TCSB066A341 48TCSB076A341 48TCSD086A341 48TCSD096A341 48TCSD126A341 48TCSD146A341 48TCSE086A341 48TCSE096A341 48TCSE126A341 48TCSE146A341 48TCTB056A341 48TCTB066A341 48TCTB076A341 48TCTD086A341 48TCTD096A341 48TCTD126A341 48TCTD146A341 48TCTE086A341 48TCTE096A341 48TCTE126A341 48TCTE146A341 580JE04G072A341 580JE04G115A341 580JE04H060A341 580JE04H090A341 580JE04J072A341 580JE04J115A341 580JE05G072A341 580JE05G115A341 580JE05G150A341 580JE05H060A341 580JE05H090A341 580JE05H120A341 580JE05J072A341 580JE05J115A341 580JE05J150A341 580JE06G072A341 580JE06G115A341 580JE06G150A341 580JE06H060A341 580JE06H090A341 580JE06H120A341 580JE06J072A341 580JE06J115A341 580JE06J150A341 580JE07G072A341 580JE07G115A341 580JE07G150A341 580JE07J072A341 580JE07J115A341 580JE07J150A341 580JE08D125A341 580JE08D180A341 580JE08D224A341 580JE08F125A341 580JE08F180A341 580JE08F224A341 580JE08K125A341 580JE08K180A341 580JE08K224A341 580JE08M125A341 580JE08M180A341 580JE08M224A341 580JE09D125A341 580JE09D180A341 580JE09D224A341 580JE09F125A341 580JE09F180A341 580JE09F224A341 580JE09K125A341 580JE09K180A341 580JE09K224A341 580JE09M125A341 580JE09M180A341 580JE09M224A341 580JE12D180A341 580JE12D224A341 580JE12D250A341 580JE12F180A341 580JE12F224A341 580JE12F250A341 580JE12K180A341 580JE12K224A341 580JE12K250A341 580JE12M180A341 580JE12M224A341 580JE12M250A341 580JE14D180A341 580JE14D224A341 580JE14D250A341 580JE14F180A341 580JE14F224A341 580JE14F250A341 580JE14K180A341 580JE14K224A341 580JE14K250A341 580JE14M180A341 580JE14M224A341 580JE14M250A341 581JE04A072A341 581JE04A115A341 581JE04B060A341 581JE04B090A341 581JE04C072A341 581JE04C115A341 581JE04G072A341 581JE04G115A341 581JE04H060A341 581JE04H090A341 581JE04J072A341 581JE04J115A341 581JE05A072A341 581JE05A115A341 581JE05A150A341 581JE05B060A341 581JE05B090A341 581JE05B120A341 581JE05C072A341 581JE05C115A341 581JE05C150A341 581JE05G072A341 581JE05G115A341 581JE05G150A341 581JE05H060A341 581JE05H090A341 581JE05H120A341 581JE05J072A341 581JE05J115A341 581JE05J150A341 581JE06A072A341 581JE06A115A341 581JE06A150A341 581JE06B060A341 581JE06B090A341 581JE06B120A341 581JE06C072A341 581JE06C115A341 581JE06C150A341 581JE06G072A341 581JE06G115A341 581JE06G150A341 581JE06H060A341 581JE06H090A341 581JE06H120A341 581JE06J072A341 581JE06J115A341 581JE06J150A341 581JE07A072A341 581JE07A115A341 581JE07A150A341 581JE07C072A341 581JE07C115A341 581JE07C150A341 581JE07G072A341 581JE07G125A341 581JE07G150A341 581JE07J072A341 581JE07J125A341 581JE07J150A341 581JE08D125A341 581JE08D180A341 581JE08D224A341 581JE08F125A341 581JE08F180A341 581JE08F224A341 581JE08K125A341 581JE08K180A341 581JE08K224A341 581JE08M125A341 581JE08M180A341 581JE08M224A341 581JE09D125A341 581JE09D180A341 581JE09D224A341 581JE09F125A341 581JE09F180A341 581JE09F224A341 581JE09K125A341 581JE09K180A341 581JE09K224A341 581JE09M125A341 581JE09M180A341 581JE09M224A341 581JE12D180A341 581JE12D224A341 581JE12D250A341 581JE12F180A341 581JE12F224A341 581JE12F250A341 581JE12K180A341 581JE12K224A341 581JE12K250A341 581JE12M180A341 581JE12M224A341 581JE12M250A341. I could not be more pleased with my entire experience. From initial contact to the parts. I will defenitally order again. Thanks again and I will reply to this when I get the motor! We will attempt to process your address change, cancellation and order change as quickly as possible. However, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide this service. Please review your order for accuracy before submitting it. The time frame depends on your location and is determined by the Post Office. Tracking information is accessible once the item is delivered to the post office or picked up by UPS. For our International Buyers. These charges are not refundable for all correctly filled orders. Please review the entire listing carefully and make certain you are ordering the part you need. Please note that HVAC manufacturers frequently update their parts without warning. While we strive to update our listing pictures as quickly as possible, an outdated picture is not grounds for return. You must obtain a return authorization to return the part within this time frame. Parts are not eligible for return for any reason if we are not notified within the 14 day time frame. This is to insure that we can file a claim with the carrier when applicable. All items must be in a brand new (without signs of installation) and resaleable condition. All parts are inspected for signs of installation upon our receipt of them. The decision is made based on our assessment of the part and whether it can be resold as “used”. In no way shall North America HVAC be liable for any loss, damage, fire, explosion, injury, including any incidental or consequential damages, or death as a result of ordering and/or installing any parts from our website or from the results of any action taken due to reading information found on our website. The information is provided as a courtesy to our customers to enhance their understanding of their HVAC system, it is not to be taken for instructional purposes on how to repair their system. North America HVAC suggests having all parts, accessories and equipment installed by a qualified heating and air conditioning technician. If a customer attempts to install a part, accessory or equipment, he or she should have a thorough understanding of electricity, reading wiring diagrams and the work to be performed. In no way shall North America HVAC be liable for any loss, damage, injury, including any incidental or consequential damages, or death as a result of ordering and/or installing any parts from our website or from the results of any action due to reading information found on our website. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Other Heating, Cooling & Air”. The seller is “bluestang5″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Brand: Fits Carrier Bryant Payne
  • MPN: 4484

Carrier Bryant Payne Furnace Exhuast Inducer Motor HC680068 HC30GL460 HC30GB462

Carrier Bryant Payne 1/2 HP 115v Furnace BLOWER MOTOR HC43AQ116A HC43AQ116

Carrier Bryant Payne 1/2 HP 115v Furnace BLOWER MOTOR HC43AQ116A HC43AQ116

Carrier Bryant Payne 1/2 HP 115v Furnace BLOWER MOTOR HC43AQ116A HC43AQ116
This is a BRAND NEW OEM GE Genteq 4-Speed Furnace BLOWER MOTOR. It was built by as an exact replacement for Carrier/Bryant/Payne part #s HC43AQ116A & HC43AQ116. It’s 1/2 HP, 115 volt, 1075 RPM and 5 5/8 in diameter (Frame 48Y). The shaft extends 4 out of the motor. The motor has 4 speed wires, 2 capacitor wires 1 common and 1 ground. If the shaft is facing up, the motor rotates clockwise. Replaces Old Part #s: HC43AQ116A, HC43AQ116. The motor you are purchasing is brand new. When installing a new motor the motor manufactures highly recommend that you install a new capacitor at the same time. Old capacitors can become weak over time and have a negative effect on the new motor. We have the capacitor that goes with this motor in our store. You can locate it using part # CAP011003O. Partial List of Carrier/Bryant/Payne Units that use this Item. 340AAV048060AASA 340AAV048060ABSA 340AAV048060ACSA 340AAV048060LBSA 340AAV048080AASA 340AAV048080ABSA 340AAV048080ACSA 340AAV048080LBSA 340AAV048100AASA 340AAV048100ABSA 340AAV048100ACSA 340AAV048100LBSA 340MAV048060AAKA 340MAV048060ABKA 340MAV048060ACKA 340MAV048060ADKA 340MAV048060AEKA 340MAV048060AFKA 340MAV048060AGKA 340MAV048060AHKA 340MAV048060AJKA 340MAV048080AAKA 340MAV048080ABKA 340MAV048080ACKA 340MAV048080ADKA 340MAV048080AEKA 340MAV048080AFKA 340MAV048080AGKA 340MAV048080AHKA 340MAV048080AJKA 340MAV048100AAKA 340MAV048100ABKA 340MAV048100ACKA 340MAV048100ADKA 340MAV048100AEKA 340MAV048100AFKA 340MAV048100AGKA 340MAV048100AHKA 340MAV048100AJKA 345MAV048060AAKA 345MAV048060ABKA 345MAV048060ACKA 345MAV048060ADKA 345MAV048060AEKA 345MAV048060AFKA 345MAV048080AAKA 345MAV048080ABKA 345MAV048080ACKA 345MAV048080ADKA 345MAV048080AEKA 345MAV048080AFKA 345MAV048100AAKA 345MAV048100ABKA 345MAV048100ACKA 345MAV048100ADKA 345MAV048100AEKA 345MAV048100AFKA 350AAV048060FASA 350AAV048060FBSA 350AAV048060FCSA 350AAV048080FASA 350AAV048080FBSA 350AAV048080FCSA 350AAV048100FASA 350AAV048100FBSA 350AAV048100FCSA 350MAV048060AAKA 350MAV048060ABKA 350MAV048060ACKA 350MAV048060ADKA 350MAV048060AEKA 350MAV048060FEKA 350MAV048060FFKA 350MAV048060FGKA 350MAV048060FHKA 350MAV048080AAKA 350MAV048080ABKA 350MAV048080ACKA 350MAV048080ADKA 350MAV048080AEKA 350MAV048080FEKA 350MAV048080FFKA 350MAV048080FGKA 350MAV048080FHKA 350MAV048100AAKA 350MAV048100ABKA 350MAV048100ACKA 350MAV048100ADKA 350MAV048100AEKA 350MAV048100FEKA 350MAV048100FFKA 350MAV048100FGKA 350MAV048100FHKA 350MAV048100KHKA 351DAS048080AAKA 351DAS048080ABKA 352AAV048100FASA 352AAV048100FBSA 352MAV048100FAKA 352MAV048100FBKA 352MAV048100FCKA 490AAV048060AAKA 490AAV048060ABKA 490AAV048060ACKA 490AAV048060ADKA 490AAV048080AAKA 490AAV048080ABKA 490AAV048080ACKA 490AAV048080ADKA 490AAV048100AAKA 490AAV048100ABKA 490AAV048100ACKA 490AAV048100ADKA 58MCA060 10016 58MCA060 11116 58MCA060 12116 58MCA060 13116 58MCA060 14116 58MCA060 15116 58MCA060 16116 58MCA060 17116 58MCA060 18116 58MCA080 10016 58MCA080 11116 58MCA080 12116 58MCA080 13116 58MCA080 14116 58MCA080 15116 58MCA080 16116 58MCA080 17116 58MCA080 18116 58MCA100 10016 58MCA100 11116 58MCA100 12116 58MCA100 13116 58MCA100 14116 58MCA100 15116 58MCA100 16116 58MCA100 17116 58MCA100 18116 58MCB060 L 11116 58MCB060 10116 58MCB060 11116 58MCB060 12116 58MCB080 L 11116 58MCB080 10116 58MCB080 11116 58MCB080 12116 58MCB100 L 11116 58MCB100 10116 58MCB100 11116 58MCB100 12116 58MSA060 10116 58MSA060 11116 58MSA060 12116 58MSA060 13116 58MSA060 14116 58MSA060 15116 58MSA080 10116 58MSA080 11116 58MSA080 12116 58MSA080 13116 58MSA080 14116 58MSA080 15116 58MSA100 10116 58MSA100 11116 58MSA100 12116 58MSA100 13116 58MSA100 14116 58MSA100 15116 58MTA100 F 10116 58MTA100 F 11116 58MTA100 F 12116 58MTB100 F 10116 58MTB100 F 11116 58MXA060 F 14116 58MXA060 F 15116 58MXA060 F 16116 58MXA060 F 17116 58MXA060 10016 58MXA060 11116 58MXA060 12116 58MXA060 13116 58MXA060 14116 58MXA080 F 14116 58MXA080 F 15116 58MXA080 F 16116 58MXA080 F 17116 58MXA080 10016 58MXA080 11116 58MXA080 12116 58MXA080 13116 58MXA080 14116 58MXA100 F 14116 58MXA100 F 15116 58MXA100 F 16116 58MXA100 F 17116 58MXA100 K 17116 58MXA100 10016 58MXA100 11116 58MXA100 12116 58MXA100 13116 58MXA100 14116 58MXB060 F 10116 58MXB060 F 11116 58MXB060 F 12116 58MXB080 F 10116 58MXB080 F 11116 58MXB080 F 12116 58MXB100 F 10116 58MXB100 F 11116 58MXB100 F 12116 PG9MAA048060AAKA PG9MAA048060ABKA PG9MAA048060ACKA PG9MAA048060ADKA PG9MAA048060AEKA PG9MAA048060AFKA PG9MAA048080AAKA PG9MAA048080ABKA PG9MAA048080ACKA PG9MAA048080ADKA PG9MAA048080AEKA PG9MAA048080AFKA PG9MAA048100AAKA PG9MAA048100ABKA PG9MAA048100ACKA PG9MAA048100ADKA PG9MAA048100AEKA PG9MAA048100AFKA PG9MAB048060AASA PG9MAB048060ABSA PG9MAB048060ACSA PG9MAB048060LBSA PG9MAB048080AASA PG9MAB048080ABSA PG9MAB048080ACSA PG9MAB048080LBSA PG9MAB048100AASA PG9MAB048100ABSA PG9MAB048100ACSA PG9MAB048100LBSA. I could not be more pleased with my entire experience. From initial contact to the parts. I will defenitally order again. Thanks again and I will reply to this when I get the motor! We will attempt to process your address change, cancellation and order change as quickly as possible. However, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide this service. Please review your order for accuracy before submitting it. The time frame depends on your location and is determined by the Post Office. Tracking information is accessible once the item is delivered to the post office or picked up by UPS. For our International Buyers. These charges are not refundable for all correctly filled orders. Please review the entire listing carefully and make certain you are ordering the part you need. Please note that HVAC manufacturers frequently update their parts without warning. While we strive to update our listing pictures as quickly as possible, an outdated picture is not grounds for return. You must obtain a return authorization to return the part within this time frame. Parts are not eligible for return for any reason if we are not notified within the 14 day time frame. This is to insure that we can file a claim with the carrier when applicable. All items must be in a brand new (without signs of installation) and resaleable condition. All parts are inspected for signs of installation upon our receipt of them. The decision is made based on our assessment of the part and whether it can be resold as “used”. In no way shall North America HVAC be liable for any loss, damage, fire, explosion, injury, including any incidental or consequential damages, or death as a result of ordering and/or installing any parts from our website or from the results of any action taken due to reading information found on our website. The information is provided as a courtesy to our customers to enhance their understanding of their HVAC system, it is not to be taken for instructional purposes on how to repair their system. North America HVAC suggests having all parts, accessories and equipment installed by a qualified heating and air conditioning technician. If a customer attempts to install a part, accessory or equipment, he or she should have a thorough understanding of electricity, reading wiring diagrams and the work to be performed. In no way shall North America HVAC be liable for any loss, damage, injury, including any incidental or consequential damages, or death as a result of ordering and/or installing any parts from our website or from the results of any action due to reading information found on our website. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Central Heating & Cooling Systems\Central Air Conditioners”. The seller is “bluestang5″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Brand: Fits Carrier Bryant Payne
  • MPN: Fits HC43AQ116A HC43AQ116

Carrier Bryant Payne 1/2 HP 115v Furnace BLOWER MOTOR HC43AQ116A HC43AQ116

Carrier Bryant Payne 1/2 HP 115v Furnace BLOWER MOTOR HC43AE116A HC43AE116

Carrier Bryant Payne 1/2 HP 115v Furnace BLOWER MOTOR HC43AE116A HC43AE116

Carrier Bryant Payne 1/2 HP 115v Furnace BLOWER MOTOR HC43AE116A HC43AE116
This is a BRAND NEW OEM GE Genteq 4-Speed Furnace BLOWER MOTOR. It was built by as an exact replacement for Carrier/Bryant/Payne part #s HC43AE116 & HC43AE116A. It’s 1/2 HP, 115 volt, 1075 RPM and 5 5/8 in diameter (Frame 48Y). The shaft extends 4 out of the motor. The motor has 4 speed wires, 2 capacitor wires 1 common and 1 ground. If the shaft is facing up, the motor rotates clockwise. Replaces Old Part #s: HC43AE116, HC43AE116A. The motor you are purchasing is brand new. When installing a new motor the motor manufactures highly recommend that you install a new capacitor at the same time. Old capacitors can become weak over time and have a negative effect on the new motor. We have the capacitor that goes with this motor in our store. You can locate it using part # CAP011003O. Partial List of Carrier/Bryant/Payne Units that use this Item. 340AAV048060AASA 340AAV048060ABSA 340AAV048060ACSA 340AAV048060LBSA 340AAV048080AASA 340AAV048080ABSA 340AAV048080ACSA 340AAV048080LBSA 340AAV048100AASA 340AAV048100ABSA 340AAV048100ACSA 340AAV048100LBSA 340MAV048060AAKA 340MAV048060ABKA 340MAV048060ACKA 340MAV048060ADKA 340MAV048060AEKA 340MAV048060AFKA 340MAV048060AGKA 340MAV048060AHKA 340MAV048060AJKA 340MAV048080AAKA 340MAV048080ABKA 340MAV048080ACKA 340MAV048080ADKA 340MAV048080AEKA 340MAV048080AFKA 340MAV048080AGKA 340MAV048080AHKA 340MAV048080AJKA 340MAV048100AAKA 340MAV048100ABKA 340MAV048100ACKA 340MAV048100ADKA 340MAV048100AEKA 340MAV048100AFKA 340MAV048100AGKA 340MAV048100AHKA 340MAV048100AJKA 345MAV048060AAKA 345MAV048060ABKA 345MAV048060ACKA 345MAV048060ADKA 345MAV048060AEKA 345MAV048060AFKA 345MAV048080AAKA 345MAV048080ABKA 345MAV048080ACKA 345MAV048080ADKA 345MAV048080AEKA 345MAV048080AFKA 345MAV048100AAKA 345MAV048100ABKA 345MAV048100ACKA 345MAV048100ADKA 345MAV048100AEKA 345MAV048100AFKA 350AAV048060FASA 350AAV048060FBSA 350AAV048060FCSA 350AAV048080FASA 350AAV048080FBSA 350AAV048080FCSA 350AAV048100FASA 350AAV048100FBSA 350AAV048100FCSA 350MAV048060AAKA 350MAV048060ABKA 350MAV048060ACKA 350MAV048060ADKA 350MAV048060AEKA 350MAV048060FEKA 350MAV048060FFKA 350MAV048060FGKA 350MAV048060FHKA 350MAV048080AAKA 350MAV048080ABKA 350MAV048080ACKA 350MAV048080ADKA 350MAV048080AEKA 350MAV048080FEKA 350MAV048080FFKA 350MAV048080FGKA 350MAV048080FHKA 350MAV048100AAKA 350MAV048100ABKA 350MAV048100ACKA 350MAV048100ADKA 350MAV048100AEKA 350MAV048100FEKA 350MAV048100FFKA 350MAV048100FGKA 350MAV048100FHKA 350MAV048100KHKA 351DAS048080AAKA 351DAS048080ABKA 352AAV048100FASA 352AAV048100FBSA 352MAV048100FAKA 352MAV048100FBKA 352MAV048100FCKA 490AAV048060AAKA 490AAV048060ABKA 490AAV048060ACKA 490AAV048060ADKA 490AAV048080AAKA 490AAV048080ABKA 490AAV048080ACKA 490AAV048080ADKA 490AAV048100AAKA 490AAV048100ABKA 490AAV048100ACKA 490AAV048100ADKA 58MCA060 10016 58MCA060 11116 58MCA060 12116 58MCA060 13116 58MCA060 14116 58MCA060 15116 58MCA060 16116 58MCA060 17116 58MCA060 18116 58MCA080 10016 58MCA080 11116 58MCA080 12116 58MCA080 13116 58MCA080 14116 58MCA080 15116 58MCA080 16116 58MCA080 17116 58MCA080 18116 58MCA100 10016 58MCA100 11116 58MCA100 12116 58MCA100 13116 58MCA100 14116 58MCA100 15116 58MCA100 16116 58MCA100 17116 58MCA100 18116 58MCB060 L 11116 58MCB060 10116 58MCB060 11116 58MCB060 12116 58MCB080 L 11116 58MCB080 10116 58MCB080 11116 58MCB080 12116 58MCB100 L 11116 58MCB100 10116 58MCB100 11116 58MCB100 12116 58MSA060 10116 58MSA060 11116 58MSA060 12116 58MSA060 13116 58MSA060 14116 58MSA060 15116 58MSA080 10116 58MSA080 11116 58MSA080 12116 58MSA080 13116 58MSA080 14116 58MSA080 15116 58MSA100 10116 58MSA100 11116 58MSA100 12116 58MSA100 13116 58MSA100 14116 58MSA100 15116 58MTA100 F 10116 58MTA100 F 11116 58MTA100 F 12116 58MTB100 F 10116 58MTB100 F 11116 58MXA060 F 14116 58MXA060 F 15116 58MXA060 F 16116 58MXA060 F 17116 58MXA060 10016 58MXA060 11116 58MXA060 12116 58MXA060 13116 58MXA060 14116 58MXA080 F 14116 58MXA080 F 15116 58MXA080 F 16116 58MXA080 F 17116 58MXA080 10016 58MXA080 11116 58MXA080 12116 58MXA080 13116 58MXA080 14116 58MXA100 F 14116 58MXA100 F 15116 58MXA100 F 16116 58MXA100 F 17116 58MXA100 K 17116 58MXA100 10016 58MXA100 11116 58MXA100 12116 58MXA100 13116 58MXA100 14116 58MXB060 F 10116 58MXB060 F 11116 58MXB060 F 12116 58MXB080 F 10116 58MXB080 F 11116 58MXB080 F 12116 58MXB100 F 10116 58MXB100 F 11116 58MXB100 F 12116 PG9MAA048060AAKA PG9MAA048060ABKA PG9MAA048060ACKA PG9MAA048060ADKA PG9MAA048060AEKA PG9MAA048060AFKA PG9MAA048080AAKA PG9MAA048080ABKA PG9MAA048080ACKA PG9MAA048080ADKA PG9MAA048080AEKA PG9MAA048080AFKA PG9MAA048100AAKA PG9MAA048100ABKA PG9MAA048100ACKA PG9MAA048100ADKA PG9MAA048100AEKA PG9MAA048100AFKA PG9MAB048060AASA PG9MAB048060ABSA PG9MAB048060ACSA PG9MAB048060LBSA PG9MAB048080AASA PG9MAB048080ABSA PG9MAB048080ACSA PG9MAB048080LBSA PG9MAB048100AASA PG9MAB048100ABSA PG9MAB048100ACSA PG9MAB048100LBSA. I could not be more pleased with my entire experience. From initial contact to the parts. I will defenitally order again. Thanks again and I will reply to this when I get the motor! We will attempt to process your address change, cancellation and order change as quickly as possible. However, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide this service. Please review your order for accuracy before submitting it. The time frame depends on your location and is determined by the Post Office. Tracking information is accessible once the item is delivered to the post office or picked up by UPS. For our International Buyers. These charges are not refundable for all correctly filled orders. Please review the entire listing carefully and make certain you are ordering the part you need. Please note that HVAC manufacturers frequently update their parts without warning. While we strive to update our listing pictures as quickly as possible, an outdated picture is not grounds for return. You must obtain a return authorization to return the part within this time frame. Parts are not eligible for return for any reason if we are not notified within the 14 day time frame. This is to insure that we can file a claim with the carrier when applicable. All items must be in a brand new (without signs of installation) and resaleable condition. All parts are inspected for signs of installation upon our receipt of them. The decision is made based on our assessment of the part and whether it can be resold as “used”. In no way shall North America HVAC be liable for any loss, damage, fire, explosion, injury, including any incidental or consequential damages, or death as a result of ordering and/or installing any parts from our website or from the results of any action taken due to reading information found on our website. The information is provided as a courtesy to our customers to enhance their understanding of their HVAC system, it is not to be taken for instructional purposes on how to repair their system. North America HVAC suggests having all parts, accessories and equipment installed by a qualified heating and air conditioning technician. If a customer attempts to install a part, accessory or equipment, he or she should have a thorough understanding of electricity, reading wiring diagrams and the work to be performed. In no way shall North America HVAC be liable for any loss, damage, injury, including any incidental or consequential damages, or death as a result of ordering and/or installing any parts from our website or from the results of any action due to reading information found on our website. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Central Heating & Cooling Systems\Central Air Conditioners”. The seller is “bluestang5″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Brand: Fits Carrier Bryant Payne
  • MPN: Fits HC43AE116A HC43AE116

Carrier Bryant Payne 1/2 HP 115v Furnace BLOWER MOTOR HC43AE116A HC43AE116

Carrier Bryant Payne White Rodgers Gas Valve EF33CW189 36H54-471

Carrier Bryant Payne White Rodgers Gas Valve EF33CW189 36H54-471
Carrier Bryant Payne White Rodgers Gas Valve EF33CW189 36H54-471
Carrier Bryant Payne White Rodgers Gas Valve EF33CW189 36H54-471

Carrier Bryant Payne White Rodgers Gas Valve EF33CW189 36H54-471
Carrier Bryant Payne White Rodgers Gas Valve EF33CW189 36H54-471. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Home Improvement\Heating, Cooling & Air\Other Heating, Cooling & Air”. The seller is “ocd_41″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Brand: Fits White Rodgers Carrier Bryant Payne
  • Model: 36H54-471
  • MPN: EF33CW189

Carrier Bryant Payne White Rodgers Gas Valve EF33CW189 36H54-471