Magnetek JE1D013N Carrier Bryant Draft Inducer Blower HC27CB119 used #M163
This is Magnetek Carrier Bryant JE1D013N Draft Inducer Blower HC27CB119 3300RPM 115V 60Hz used part. Most of the parts require specific knowledge or skills to be installed properly. This part was removed by HVAC installer from a working unit and was in great working condition when removed.
A. O. Smith JE1D013N Carrier Bryant Draft Inducer Blower HC27CB119 used #M221
Smith Magnetek Carrier Bryant JE1D013N Draft Inducer Blower HC27CB119 3300RPM 115V 60Hz used part. Most of the parts require specific knowledge or skills to be installed properly. This part was removed by HVAC installer from a working unit and was in great working condition when removed.
Carrier Bryant Payne HC27CB119 A. O. Smith Exhaust Draft Inducer Motor JE1D013N
An inducer motor is designed to expel the exhaust gas from the furnace. Older inefficient furnaces allowed the flue gas to escape the unit with virtually no resistance. The inducer motor is usually the first thing that starts up when your furnace calls for heat.
A. O. Smith JE1D013N Carrier Bryant Draft Inducer Blower HC27CB119 used #MF680
Smith Magnetek Carrier Bryant JE1D013N Draft Inducer Blower HC27CB119 3300RPM 115V 60Hz used part. Most of the parts require specific knowledge or skills to be installed properly. This part was removed by HVAC installer from a working unit and was in great working condition when removed.
A. O. Smith JE1D013N Carrier Bryant Draft Inducer Blower HC27CB119 used #MF875
Smith Magnetek Carrier Bryant JE1D013N Draft Inducer Blower HC27CB119 3300RPM 115V 60Hz used part, no pressure switched attached. Most of the parts require specific knowledge or skills to be installed properly.
Carrier Payne Bryant HC27CB123 A. O. Smith JE1D017N Draft Inducer Motor
Magnetek JE1D013N Carrier Bryant Draft Inducer Blower HC27CB119 used #M270
Magnetek JE1D013N Carrier Bryant Draft Inducer Blower HC27CB119 used #MF973
This is Magnetek Carrier Bryant JE1D013N Draft Inducer Blower HC27CB119 3300RPM 115V 60Hz used part. Most of the parts require specific knowledge or skills to be installed properly. This part was removed by HVAC installer from a working unit and was in great working condition when removed.
Magnetek JE1D013N Carrier Bryant Draft Inducer Blower HC27CB119 used #M270 (B)
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